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Sincere Cooperation, Commom Development, Creat A Win-Win Situation !

To be a world-leading integrated platform of international logistics          —— The Perspective of Qingdao Sailing

To be proud to fulfill our commitment to customers and employees, we would continue to offer professional service, which consists of honesty, reputation, loyalty and professional ethics. Open communication is our rule to reach our clients and employees.          —— Honesty

We understand and respect every employee. Specified expectation on employees will be stated; objective and timely feedback is to be sent to them according to their actual performances.Moreover, we provide good opportunities of development and promotion for positive and diligent employees so that they can have a better career life and fulfill their potentials.          —— Respect

Our employees are actively involved in the company's affairs, forming a whole jointly to shape for a better company future.Cross-department communication and coordination ensure you our highly efficient service.          —— Team Spirit

We play an active part in public welfare undertakings. We also collect public data and coordinate with the commercial operation of the Environmental Program.          —— Social Responsibility

We aim to establish continuous and mutually beneficial cooperation with every client Also we insist on providing world-class services to meet clients requests on the basis of a loyal and honest relationship.          —— Customer First